Who we are

Synonyme.net was founded in 1986 by Marie-Pierre Gesta (Linkedin profile) who started a conference simultaneous interpreting and translation company.

Now an innovative LSP (Compare a simultaneous conference interpreting with a machine translation)

Today, simultaneous interpreting is disruptive. GeniusConfCall is a technology that combined with speech-first workflow will allow you to break free of geographical and language limits.

We believe in simultaneous interpreting, as a unique way to understand each other globally, to understand how customers think and feel, how to understand your market, employees or environment.
Synonyme.net is a multimedia provider of language solutions tailored to each client—from recordings, transcripts, synopses in the languages you need and in real time, to post-editing in any format, including handwritten documents.

We anticipated your needs, allowing you to talk business anywhere, anytime. You can now build more meaningful relations with trade partners, investors or whoever you need to contact using remote simultaneous conference interpreting solutions.

We decided to innovate and develop a real-time solution helping you to reach your target markets directly in their own language, with no information loss (through recordings and transcripts), so you can tell your stories, engage with your stakeholders and thrive in a global marketplace. Now you can carry out your own project, from start to finish, with no language or dialect limitations